In this episode, Colleen and Jessie interview each other! We talk about diabetes, life plans, college experience, and many of the usual questions we ask our guests.

Even after over 100 episodes, there are still some things we didn’t know about each other! We took this chance to share more diabetes stories.

Wins & Fails

Colleen’s Win: I made it to day four on my infusion site! Usually it craps out right at day 3 but I managed to get it to almost a full day past. 

Jessie’s Fail: Jessie had a site failure this morning. 

Tip of the Week

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to talk to new people. Jessie is going to college and I’m in a new city—I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone to ask if people want to meet up in person to get to know each other. This is what adulting looks like if you want to make friends as an adult!

Diabetes Spotlight

Our spotlight this week is on each other! In this interview with each other, we called out some cool things about us.

Now It's Your Turn...

What are some things your diabetic buddies have taught you? And what are some questions that you have for them?

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Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!

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