Devin Ortiz-Hoffman, known as Ice Cream and Insulin on the interwebs, joined us to share her experience being diagnosed with T1D in 2019.
She sums up being diagnosed as an adult pretty succinctly with this:
“T1D is not a death sentence for the life you used to know.”
Devin nails it on the head here. If you’ve listened to us for any length of time, you know that we believe T1D is not a reason to stop doing the things you love. Listen for Devin’s perspective!
Meet Devin Ortiz-Hoffman

Devin Ortiz-Hoffman, known as Ice Cream and Insulin on Instagram, lives in North Carolina, and grew up in Virginia. She was diagnosed with T1D in March 2019, one month shy of her 27th birthday.
She’s a bookworm, beach bum, dog mom, and travel enthusiast.
Connect with Devin on Instagram @icecreamandinsulin
Wins & Fails
Jessie’s Win: She’s in an adjustment period for post-season food transitioning. Being done with rugby for the summer, her diet needs to change a bit.
Colleen’s Fail: It took me a really long time to recover from my solo road trip, just in terms of getting back to a normal routine, feeling back to normal, and getting my blood sugars and eating habits dialed back in.
Tip of the Week
Remember that your blood sugars can change with the environment.
Now It's Your Turn...
Do you still eat ice cream? What’s your favorite flavor and brand?
Colleen’s is Mammoth Creameries, and Jessie loves avocado ice cream.
Mentioned in This Episode
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Community & Social
- Join us in the Half-Dead Pancreas Club, our private Discord community for people with T1D.
- Follow us on Instagram @thisistype1pod, @jj_crystalkat, & @type1ravenclaw
- Follow us on Facebook
Choose Where to Listen
Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!