This week Colleen and Jessie talk about the differences between types 1 and 2 diabetes! We reminisce about some of our first pumps and also giving a shout out to pump tech support. Colleen shares a hack on how to restart the Dexcom G6 sensors to make them last even longer. After that we really get the differences between types 1 and 2, giving an answer for when people challenge the facts and base their opinions on the wrong type.

This episode really focuses on the differences of both type 1 and 2 while giving a short lesson on how the pancreas works. But the main difference is that type 1 is permanent and type 2 is usually reversible. We explain more about this and talk about what insulin therapy is and what treatment type 2s usually need. 

Wins & Fails

Jessie’s Win: Jessie’s growing more confident about being diabetic, accommodating herself rather than making others feel comfortable around her at the expense of her care. It was finally to break free of those restraints! She’s also getting to know her personality type a little better. 

Colleen’s Fail: Tandem pumps have a weird internal error that sometimes occurs when charging that results in a “power source error”. The pumps sometimes go from 70 to 100% charged down to below 50%… even down to 5%. Her pump did this (dropped from 90% to 5% while charging, during Colleen’s shower) and the pump died while on hold with tech support. Plugging it into the computer seemed to save it but it was still quite an ordeal!

Now It's Your Turn...

What’s your favorite thing about having diabetes? We give our answers in the episode!

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Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!

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