Medicare is confusing for most people. Adding type 1 diabetes to the mix makes it even more complicated. Thankfully, Kathe Kline has done the hard work to understand Medicare so that you don’t have to wade through it on your own.
Even if you aren’t old enough to qualify for Medicare, you may have a parent or grandparent facing that decision soon. Listen in to hear about the different Medicare parts and why it’s important to be on top of this before it’s too late.
We go on a few tangents in this episode, but like with all tangents, we both learned something new!
Meet Kathe Kline

Kathe Kline was a financial advisor when she discovered how complicated Medicare is.
She now offers free online classes for people new to Medicare, and has been featured on ABC, NBC, Fox, and CBS.
She also helps people on a 1:1 basis as an insurance broker, and her services are always free.
You can find her at http://MedicareQuick.com or take her classes at http://MedicareQuick.com/Class
Wins & Fails
Colleen’s Win: I changed my site early when I noticed my number going up, instead of stacking insulin and getting frustrated.
Colleen’s Fail: Forgetting to put on exercise mode while decluttering or going on a walk. I end up needing more Smarties than I wanted to use.
Tip of the Week
If you are confused about things that are important for living your best life, find someone to help you through it. That goes for your finances, health, and yes, Medicare.
Now It's Your Turn...
Did you know any of this about Medicare? What are YOUR questions about this convoluted system that opens up to us at age 65?
Mentioned in This Episode
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Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!
2 Responses
Thank you for having me on the show.
I misstated something around the 9 minute mark. I said that insulin is covered at 100% by Medicare (if you have a pump). I meant to say 80%, and if you have a supplement plan that covers the other 20%.
I clarified this at around the 11 minute mark, and again in several places later, but I wanted to make sure that anyone reading/listening understands that the 100% coverage only applies if you have a Plan G along with original Medicare.
Also, instead of saying "free" I should have said "zero copay/co-insurance" since it's technically not "free".
I just want to be sure to clarify.
I'm so sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for the clarification, Kathe!