Tyler Bates, a friend of ours from Panther Camp, joins us to talk about what it was like to manage diabetes with divorced parents.

Handling diabetes when you have divorced parents can be a challenge. As Jessie and Tyler both attest, coordinating insurance between divorced parents is a struggle.

Meet Tyler Bates

My name is Tyler Bates and I am a welder, fabricator, mechanic, outdoorsman and adrenaline junkie. 

I’m engaged to my beautiful fiancée Katie. And I’ve been living with diabetes for 19 years of my life. 

Diabetes has never been something I just live with. 

It’s something that adds a little extra something into my everyday life, whether it be a little bit of craziness, frustration or a funny story.

Connect with Tyler on Instagram @tylertheweldingguy 

This is the Deltec Cozmo pump, the first pump that Tyler used after his diagnosis at age 7.

I had heard of this pump before, but never seen it! 

Image Credit

Wins & Fails

Jessie’s Win: Going to her first adult endocrinologist appointment by herself!

Colleen’s Fail: I went to a weeknight church event with my husband and stayed up WAY past my bedtime. My basal profile for eating dinner helped with keeping my numbers stable, but the next day I was really tired and felt more easily irritable, which wasn’t great overall, not just for my diabetes.

Tip of the Week

Enjoy the day when you have an endo appointment. Take steps to avoid stressing out over the appointment.

Now It's Your Turn...

Have you ever heard of the Cozmo pump???

And another question… if your parents are divorced, how are you handling your diabetes in that situation?

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