Eye health for type 1 diabetics is SO important. If you don’t have good control over the long term, you could end up with complications to your eye health.
Your eyeballs. Pretty important to see the world. It’s ranked first in the hierarchy of senses, and many people take their vision for granted until it starts to go away.
As type 1 diabetics, we need to pay attention to our eyeball health perhaps even more than the average person because of our risk of developing diabetic retinopathy.
Wins & Fails
Colleen’s Win: I’m going on weekend hikes here in Missoula (when it’s not too smoky—thanks, wildfires!). It’s nice to get more active and be in nature.
Jessie’s Fail: She’s not getting as much sleep with it being her last summer at home before college.
Tip of the Week
Set up your next doctor’s appointment before you leave the office during your current visit. This helps cut down on the mental energy spent trying to remember if you have to see the doctor soon, and oftentimes providers will give you reminder cards you can put on your fridge or somewhere.
Diabetes Spotlight
Announced a few months ago, we want to bring this back to your attention. Walmart has partnered with Novo Nordisk to provide lower-cost generic insulin under the Relion brand, called ReliOn NovoLog. A single vial with 10mL costs $78, or a pack of 5 pens with 15mL total costs $86. Read more about the partnership on BeyondType1.
Compared to the uninsured price of over $360/vial of Novolog, this is a SIGNIFICANT savings. But it still may not be low enough for many people. If you need help getting insulin, please head to getinsulin.org.
Now It's Your Turn...
How are your eyeballs doing? Are you seeing your eye doctors regularly? If not, it might be time to schedule an appointment or time to get glasses!
Mentioned in This Episode
- Support the blog & podcast by buying us a coffee through Ko-fi!
- Retinopathy in Diabetes | Diabetes Care
- Blindness and Diabetes
- Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist: Choosing Your Eye Care Provider
- Diabetic Retinopathy – Causes, Symptoms, Risks & Prevention
- 6 Tips for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight | webmd.com
- Keep Your Eyes Healthy | National Eye Institute
- 20 Tips for Optimal Eye Health with [Infographic]
- Walmart Launches Lower-Cost Analog Insulin: ReliOn NovoLog
- Get Insulin: Home
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- Join us in the Half-Dead Pancreas Club, our private Discord community for people with T1D.
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Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!