“Frantic post-diagnosis Googling.” That’s how Will Jennette describes what he did after he learned he had T1D at the end of high school, and the results led him to The Diabetes Link (formerly the College Diabetes Network).
Will, along with colleague Mary Jane Roche, share the benefits of communities for young T1Ds, and how to start a Diabetes Link chapter at your school.
Follow The Diabetes Link on Instagram @collegediabetes. (New handle coming soon!)
Meet Will & Mary Jane

Will Jennette was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in February of his senior year of high school. One of the very first things that he was given by his endocrinologist was the Off to College Guide, which formed the foundation of his experience of diabetes, as well as the diabetes community. Will started a chapter his freshman year at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, which he led until graduation. He now serves as the Senior Program Coordinator at The Diabetes Link, working with Chapters all across the country.

Mary Jane Roche grew up in the Boston area and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 21. That was definitely not part of the plan for her senior year of college!
She took some time to acclimate and then sought out community, which she found both locally and on Instagram.
Connect with Mary Jane on IG @type1mj
She serves as Program Coordinator with the The Diabetes Link where she has the privilege of connecting with and supporting young adults living with diabetes. In her free time she loves attending concerts, painting, and exploring national parks.
Now It's Your Turn...
If you’re a young adult, how could you get involved with a Diabetes Link chapter and use the network to your advantage? Check out the website to find out what paths are open to you!
Mentioned in This Episode
Community & Social
- Join us in the Half-Dead Pancreas Club, our private Discord community for people with T1D.
- Follow us on Instagram @thisistype1pod, @jj_crystalkat, & @type1ravenclaw
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Choose Where to Listen
Our music is by Joseph McDade. Check out his website here!