Ever wonder why you end up on roller coasters that send you from 350+ down below 50 and back up again? It might have to do with big inputs from a combination of inaccurate carb counts, ineffective insulin absorption, and the wrong timing.

Dr. Richard Bernstein’s book The Diabetes Solution is based around the goal of normalizing blood sugars in diabetics, and the core of normalization revolves around the law of small numbers.

Small inputs = small mistakes = small corrections.

Big inputs = big mistakes = big corrections.

Listen in to find out more about the law of small numbers and how you can use it to your T1D advantage.

Now It's Your Turn...

How can you use the law of small numbers in your T1D life? Think about the types of experiments you can run, and let us know how it goes on Instagram or in the Half-Dead Pancreas Club!

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