I had terrible blood sugars and weighed my highest weight ever before I switched to a low carb protocol. After I made that switch in January 2016, the weight started falling off and my blood sugars got SO much better. In this episode I talk about what I eat on my low carb protocol.

Eating a low carb protocol does not mean that I’m deprived. I can eat a vast range of foods, and they’re all foods that have little to no effect on my blood sugar. The point of low carb is that you’re keeping the main source of blood sugar spikes much, much lower. 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with low carb to find out if it’s a protocol for you… or if something else works better.

Wins & Fails

Colleen’s Win: We’ve been living in Missoula for a little over a month now, and I’ve started alternating morning yoga with morning walks, and I’m getting better at keeping my blood sugar stable through both. Some key things that are helping are my pump’s exercise mode, changing my set on time, and getting a good night’s sleep.

Jessie’s Fail: Jessie is running low on her insulin at her mom’s house. All her supplies get shipped to her dad’s house, so she needs to do some planning and tracking to make sure she has enough supplies at her mom’s.

Tip of the Week

No matter what your food protocol is, make sure you have a low snack you can count on. Even if you’re on a low carb protocol, you will probably still experience lows. 

Diabetes Spotlight

The spotlight this week is on Let Me Be 83, a movement by the Rivere Foundation. We’ve spotlighted them before, but wanted to do so again because of their mission.

As it says on their website, they: 

advocate for an alternative diabetes management regimen, anchored in nutrition and the proper use of insulins, that allows people with diabetes to achieve healthy blood glucose levels. [They] believe this is an important goal, as elevated glucose levels are associated with complications of diabetes.

And, as every type 1 diabetic knows, diet plays an enormous part in how well we manage our blood sugars. Carb and sugar heavy diets can make it far more difficult to stay at a low A1c.

Now It's Your Turn...

What diet or food protocol do you follow? Is it low carb? Vegetarian? Paleo? Keto and carnivore are also options, though they require more planning and keeping a close eye on blood sugars. Let us know in the comments!

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